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  • mcfarlangr

Tears for the blossoming

Hey Ya'll, long time no see huh? Yesterday I had a really nice and assuring quiet time I want to share with you. Have you ever been through something that really wrecked you, like an event or time in your life where you were just like when is this going to end? We've all been through seasons like that and they're hard, but you know what, there's good news....

" Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with -songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them" - Psalm 126:5-6

Lately life has been pretty hard if I'm being honest. Which is why I haven't posted. I have been going through a season of rough patches in my life with myself, friends, family and school for sure just trying to balance my schedule life and figure out what God wants me to do next. It feels like everything is falling apart, but I've been surprisingly very calm and collected and I believe it is God's spirit that has kept me in such a state of peace, because I know things really suck but it is not permanent, or at least I don't have to make it. I like to see it this way.... When we cry in our grief, our pain, our struggle we may not see it now, but our tears are watering the flowers. They are watering that little seed that in time will sprout into something so beautiful you can't even imagine it. I know there was this one time a few years ago, I had injured my shins pretty badly and I was struggling thinking I was going to be stuck in this boot missing out on sports and extracurriculars, but it gave me time to endure other things that would fill my time. I was in state where I didn't know what to do and just worrying a lot, but soon summer hit and that flowered blossomed. My tears became seeds that grew into a harvest of joy. God gave me songs of joy. I had never seen such a joyful harvest in my life like this one, I got to experience so many new things and get blessed in all areas of my life.

A little Prayer for Ya'll:

Dear Lord,

I pray for this person on the other side of the screen reading this, that they would know their grief is not permanent, that broken things can heal and that there is hope. I pray that you will sustain them in this hard season they are going through right now. That they will plant their seeds in trust of your sovereign plan for them. I pray that they will have faith that you can always bring good out of their tragedy. When we are burdened by our sorrow, I pray we will know that our times of grief will end and we will find Joy. God, I pray for ultimate healing and that they will be flooded with your love and filled with the Holy Spirit. Help them through this season and overfilleth their cup Father, with blessings. In Jesus name, Amen.

Remeber God answers prayers. So be patient, God's greatest harvest is coming!

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